
April 17, 2011 § 1 Comment

He speaks about the sea: the waves and the water. I recall seeing the sea, moving incessantly in rolling waves and crests. I recall the feeling of waves under my body as it floats effortlessly in a warm holiday sea. I recall cold waves falling over my feet and drawing back the sand and pebbles in a rush from beneath them, somewhere, anywhere in England. He says, as if he has said it many times, like a beckoning bell to summer evensong, the water is unchanged no matter what; being is unchanged no matter what.


§ One Response to water

  • Karin says:

    Lovely words, Beverley – makes me think of the last track on June Tabor’s latest album, Ashore, which is amazing…’Across the Wide Ocean’…music to accompany unchanged being.

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